Day 31 of lockdown - 23 April 2020
23 Apr 2020
A hearty hello to one and all.
I hope that this update finds you and your loved ones safe and well. As we start our 5th week of lockdown I am sure many of you have experienced the highs and (hopefully not too many) lows of self-isolation/shielding/social distancing ie: lockdown! It has been said many times over the last few weeks, but these are rather strange times at the moment. I do hope that you are finding time to catch up on chores, those annoying little 'jobs' that you've been meaning to do for weeks/months/years but also finding time to exercise, eat well and cherish quality time with family and significant others (social media CAN be a positive thing afterall!!!)
As for the latest update from the clinic, we are preparing to open the clinic as soon as possible. Any patients who have appointments booked, please be aware that those appointments are suspended and we will be contacting you to rearrange once we know a definitive opening date.We want to offer a safe environment for both patients and staff so with that at the foremost of our minds, I will announce the date and new conditions of opening hopefully in the next few weeks.
Take care everyone and most importantly...stay safe.
Best wishes, Marié.